
Also, Harry Potter!
God, what an inordinately sweet scene that was, with Dwight reading to Pam and Jim and Mose in the Irrigation Room.

This show is great
Seriously, if there was ever a doubt, last night cured it.

Best Line
"I'm not Google."

I got to see them at the Austin City Limits taping (the show, not the festival, where I also saw them but it sucked). That will go down in history as the best show I have ever seen in my entire life ever. If there is never a new album, I am fine with that. Nothing could beat that show.

first of all, I am so on Team Andy. Goddamn, Ed Helms coming onto this show was the best thing that ever happened to it.

<i>"Cats and boobs are two great things that, alas, donât go great together."</i>

Was a brilliant casting decision - he's acting the shit out of that role, and making it so much more compelling to find out whether he's a good or bad guy.

ah crap
Pushing Daisies post in Reaper.

I'm all for it. You know, everything else is attempting, sort of half-assedly, to be quirky or odd (see <i>Life</i>, which I will admit to being totally addicted to already, despite myself. Damn you, Damian Lewis), and this show at least just says "oh, fuck it, here's a model crabwalking and

Big Bad
I'm with all you guys - there needs to be an establishment of some kind of Big Bad, just like Buffy, to keep me interested.