Opus T. Penguin

Just want to put this out there. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. They will offer confidential help 24 hours a day.

Audiences in the 1950s who were used to live TV? It was a play and they wanted to make you feel like you're there seeing it with all the energy that entails. But from your own living room!

I'd add Seth Meyers to the list of fantastic folks you're not watching. The first fifteen minutes of his show are often stellar (and super political, so I can see you avoiding it if you want a break from that.)

I think the character is great and made the show, but I agree he can be grating when the focus and will be annoying as the main character. The trailer looked awful.

The laughter is there a) so the actor knows to pause while the audience is laughing and might miss the next line. And b) to bring the live theatrical experience to the home audience. It's not to tell you when to laugh but you can choose to feel condescended to.

Yeah, and the initial episodes of the recent Muppets really did feel off-character for Kermit, so if Whitmire resisted that, I'm with him. The idea of a more adult or darker Muppets was a terrible one.

There's a fun but completely unlikely theory that… well, I want to put it in spoilers but don't know how to do so. EDIT: And now I do. Thanks for the help.
The batshit crazy theory is that the "children" are not really his children but mind-controlled, Infinity Gauntlet warped versions of heroes from an alternate

Not much on character, though, right? Except Black Swan has a cool (super complicated) back story.

I'm not sure I get your point. How is it not a positive that young people watching the show will see that the female doesn't always have to be the companion (side-kick traditionally) and that the protagonist can be female? This is good for male and female viewers if we want a less sexist society over time. It

And Democrats have to win state governor elections too, as they pop up in each state. So they can have Democratic governors in power when the next census happens (2020) to fix some of the gerrymandering, and to make sure it doesn't become increasingly difficult for minorities and poor people to vote (widespread voter

How about Zeus saved him as a gift to Diana? Unless Zeus is dead? I forget. In which case, um, Darkeseid saved him as a way to lure Diana to his side one day in the future. Or he's secretly Vandal Savage and immortal but didn't know it? Or he's a robot? A clone? An alternate universe version of the character?

I assume it's a "I have nothing to hide" move, once it's clear the thing you really should hide is about to go public.

She's hilarious. Fun news!

Yes. It's bad. He may have meant African-Americans should follow the example of Jewish businessman and woman in how they conduct business. That would be stereotyping but maybe not terrible as it seems meant as a compliment. But unfortunately, even if that was his intent it's not what he put in the rap.

It's confusingly written. The clip was on Reddit and Trump retweeted it. He probably looked at it briefly, though t it was funny and would provoke the left and sent it out. If not for the fact that it may incite violence against CNN employees, this would be a more forgettable story. But he's President, reaches a

Or maybe they wouldn't agree to do more than 6? So he quit? A bummer they couldn't work something out in any case.

It's like a return to the late 1990s when NBC was known as No Black Comics.

It's a lot of fun. And appropriately smaller scale than some other Marvel movies, allowing Rudd to shine. Apparently Spider-Man has also gone smaller scale and more comedic, which I'm glad to hear.

That's a bummer. Thanks for the scoop!

Do you know why Cronin stayed? Is it his site? I only read his stuff there (have a bookmark set for his articles) but even those they hurt a bit with the format change (as the commenting got less anonymous, so less people doing it, and they erased the comments from all the old articles which is really s shame. Hope