
Yeah I'd say I like Big Fish and Ed Wood the most out of his films. They are the least Tim Burtony, even though you'd expect the contrary.

You forgot the "why" part Captain.


No Grades
I'm not at the AV Club quite as often recently as at my new job I'm not at the computer all day. Anyways, I've noticed a lot of reviews don't have grades lately, did I miss an AVC renovation somewhere?

"In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history, an ancient race of people… the Vulcans. No one knows who they were or what they were doing… "

They need to grow a pair and allow comments on their reviews. Maybe comment threads are for people who don't have half-beards and v-neck shirts though.

Which has the better Billy Crudup Voice Over?
Big Fish, or the Mastercard commercials?

"after she discovers that he's just a teenager."
Which they definitely all are. God I can't wait for this movie.

I'll take Christopher Guest.

Carbonell Khan
If they have the villain be Khan, and have him played by Nestor Carbonell/Richard Alpert as rumors were saying a long time ago, I will have a large boner.

"Monday Morning"
is such a good fucking track. It reminds me of early Death Cab with the intertwining Pavement-esque guitar work, except now done with keys and tones.

His band
is Dead Man's Bones.

Glad to see it mentioned. That is all.

Parallel universes, closed-loop (except I don't think it is anymore?) consciousness time travel, and they write it all ingeniously. That was one of the best season finales I've seen in a while.

Wait, what happened to Pig, the horror movie he was writing where some black kids go after a racist white cop? (I think that's how he described it on The Hour.)

"I call noodles…
long-ass rice." Possibly the best Tom Haverford line ever. That and when he says the words "Jean-Ralphio."

Yeah, but
The difference between every other show/movie he named and his is that those are smart and his are not.

Freddy Lundgren
The guy in that video looks like Robert Englund and Dolph Lundgren morphed together. Seriously, that is exactly what he fucking is.

Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist, they are not allowed jell-o.

Fringe Before Inception
Remember, Fringe went into dreams/brains (it's been a while since I've seen the ep. where Olivia's old boyfriend turns and smiles at her so I don't remember exactly how they worded it) BEFORE Inception, so suck it Nolan.