Why am I so AMAZING

The movie's based on a true story. This article is probably more interesting than the actual movie:

How the hell does a doctor with four (?) years of experience get named chief of anything?

The execs had to specific about the beautiful part. If they'd only said that JD could only date women better looking than him, then the viewing audience could have still been exposed to some uggos.

The first season is remarkably better if you've seen the rest of the series. I did a rewatch recently and was surprised how much I enjoyed it.

Yeah, but she's a lawyer, so she's not going to be doing anything life-saving. She'll probably end up looking for ways to extend patents indefinitely, and suing non-profits who try to use generic versions of drugs.

There's still a chance this show could be relevant. As Camaxtli describes below, there's still plenty of sexism in the world, it's just usually more subtle than what was shown in the pilot.

It does sound good, and I've added it to my list. I think the last actually scary book I read was the first half of Heart-Shaped Box.

I'm actually going to say "The Woman King". That was a bad, bad episode of TV.

That cover is remarkably similar to the original Shadow of the Torturer cover.

I was also curious how Iowan tourists ended up in Baltimore. A side-trip from DC maybe?

Yeah, the tiered comments mess up the flow of the threads