Why am I so AMAZING

Well, it's not pedophilia if the young dude is post-pubescent. It's hebephilia!

Well, PaNoire did recently tell a story in the Savage Love comments about running through the streets of Philadelphia while whacked out on cocaine, so the drug addict thing isn't out of nowhere.

Ender's Game is the greatest book ever - if you read it before you turn 12.

@avclub-af8127a980a98471f696a5a395b9088d:disqus : It's been posited by other posters that it's because the TV Club has become so popular that it's sort of overshadowing/shortchanging the other parts of the site. You'll notice that it's the music and film section writers who are bailing.

Because comics! That's how.

"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." is an zen koan.

It's not really a profession, per se, but can we add "Genius Serial Killer" to the list?

Haha, that's actually a really good description for how I feel about Joe Hill's work, too.

The Virtuality pilot was available on Netflix.

Poor editors. Nobody notices what they do until they're not there.

"Brian" McInerney is also a misprint. The shooter's name is Brandon McInerney ; his brother's name is Brian.

Just reading about the sex scene in this review made me feel gross.

Just reading about the sex scene in this review made me feel gross.

I think NBC made them cut Josh, because he was sort of mocking Jimmy Fallon, and NBC was trying to launch Fallon's late night show at the time.

I think NBC made them cut Josh, because he was sort of mocking Jimmy Fallon, and NBC was trying to launch Fallon's late night show at the time.

Of course it's unappealing - it's a Tobias recommendation.

Of course it's unappealing - it's a Tobias recommendation.

Yeah, Slate.com has the habit of attaching obnoxious, inflammatory titles to otherwise non-provocative articles, and it looks like Rosin's keeping with that.

Yeah, Slate.com has the habit of attaching obnoxious, inflammatory titles to otherwise non-provocative articles, and it looks like Rosin's keeping with that.

Not a Breaking Bad fan then?