
I think I actually watched Weeds out of spite. It was so stupid, I felt like it was daring me to watch it. "I was like "Fuck you show. I'm going to watch you no matter how idiotic you get. You won't beat me!"

For the longest time, I avoided the show Damages. I watched the pilot and for some reason found it stupid and laughable. I wouldn't watch it anymore and was annoyed that I ever watched it in the first place.

It was a six fingered smuggler.

!Que pasa bebe?!?!

That's the kicker. Oberyn basically had him, but then he had to taunt the Mountain there before making a killing blow.

I have seen a promo picture of Brienne that suggests a particular locale, probably an unintentional slip.

Cows & Gators


Neither here nor there

I wish the clip of that guy spouting Tecumseh was about 4 seconds longer, because then we'd see Stan cracking the hell up while every one else is jaws agape. Awesomeness.

Yeah, definitely Ken.

"Your daughter's psychiatrist called while you were in the toilet!"

Freddy Rumsen is another fascinating character. He's the guy who literally discovered Peggy's advertising talents, and he's also been a rock for Don.

You guys want some grapes?

That was a great scene where Kimmy plays Brandon on the date and gets all handsy with Cyndee, and then Kimmy does the "fine I'll take you home" driving all angry and Cyndee pouts and acts all sad… but while she's doing it she briefly cracks a smile and then goes back to pouting. That smile showing she was enjoying the

My first thought that comes close is the movie Aliens. Doesn't exactly fit, but close. The movie Alien was basically a horror movie on a space-ship, with a lot of the horror flick tropes. Alien was scary for the way you might expect horror movies to be, with the dread, the monster in the shadows, a lot of isolation…

I'm glad that not only do you have the Conjuring and its sense of dread, but you also decry the mirror-with someone behind you trick.

Ever since Glenn dispatched that zombie in Woodbury while tied to a fucking chair, every time some ahole steps to him I just laugh. Like some post apocalyptic preppy is gonna teach Glenn a lesson. Ha.

I particularly enjoyed Raylan's line to Markham that he hired mercenaries, and they're "good at killin' but not very good at crime." Kind of an awesome and hilarious distinction to make.

None of those beat when they showed a clip from that second Queen Elizabeth movie with Cate Blanchett at the Oscars 5 or 6 years ago, and they showed Blanchett all made up and screaming kind of over the top as Elizabeth. And they cut back to her and she was wide eyed and kind of embarrassed at the clip with an OMG