
Dental plan!

Welcome to Dumpsville. Population, you.

So long, Stinktown!

I have always thought the Office's Diversity Day was my favorite. Second ep and completely different than the pilot copy of the uk office pilot. BJ Novak wrote it and it's perfect. It is amazing.

Todd, I don't think Sally kissed the younger brother because he was "safer". I think because he was a dreamer, so much so that even the actual moon landing didn't impress him. Watching the studly guy behave like an ass maybe correlates to what we might think a daughter of Betty Draper might find interest in, but think

This show won me over on its first night. About halfway through it, not having really seen what the show would do, Hardwick starts reading a post criticizing him and his new show,and I was thinking, "Ah, another Hardwick complains about the internet comment" as hardwick comments that the poster called him and his show

I always wondered, and its hard to tell when so many of the guests are just that quick.

'It’s True American, it’s The Kiss, it’s “Gave me cookie, got you cookie,” it’s “basketsball”'

I think Ron genuinely smiling after Joe gave him the tool and offered him a muffin was the funniest thing on the whole episode.

I would hope that the main thing anyone would think SNL should be… the baseline objective… is funny.

To a certain extent I agree… and based on those thoughts, a truely representative grade would probably always fall around a C.

I knew this ep would get a good grade. I was at the end and thought, this show was the fucking worst of the season, I bet it will get a fucking B or A here. Always reliable that way.


One episode show with Future Marshall as narrator.
"Hey, kids, we named our oldest daughter after the potted plant where your mom hid her pregnancy test. A stick that she literally peed on. How you like them apples?"

I think that's why she really works. She had the ideal, and everyone who comes after will probably be compared to it in some way… but Ted has the same thing, and the reality of hiis previous ideal is still a friend.
I always hoped that the Mother would have something that would let her deal with the Ted-Robin thing,

It's weird to me that the Flop House is better with Kalan. I mostly don't mind him, but when he gets on a tear about one goddam thing and brings it up constantly, I can't stand him.

Andy; Ich Bin Ein Angry Hitler! Ich Bin Fuhrerious. Getzin? Furh-furheri-furherious? Ah, SCHEIZEN!

I had to discipline myself to playing Civ I on weekends to avoid those problems (I was fortunate that one of my classes graded on a steep curve - was a slap in the face though), and luckily I was freshly out of college and starting work when I got Civ 2, a few months after it was released. I shudder to think how my

I've always had a soft spot for the Civ franchise. When I got my first PC right as I started grad school, the first Civilization had been out maybe a year or so. I was looking for a game, and the box caught my eye, that modern cityscape with the Egyptian tomb under it.
I remember losing entire days playing that first

Ah our local vernacular at my school, basically a blondie sorority girl, cheerful yet a bit dim, ala Elle in Legally Blonde. We called them bowheads because giant hair bows were part of their attire.