
Ragnarok was a really good special. Hodgman creates a whole little scenario about the end of the world, and it's a funny concept that he just absorbs the audience into. Some funny crowdwork. It's like a play where he's incorporated the audience.

I turned on Caligula when it aired on CC, watched the first few minutes and wondered why everyone loved it. Changed the channel, came back around about 10 minutes later and he was getting into it with a lady in the balcony. I was hooked.

I was in a cafeteria in college, and these bowheaded girls were sitting right by me and my roomate. One girl says to another "Have you seen No Way Out?" The other girl says "Is that the one where Kevin Costner is a spy in the end?"

"The jerk store called, and they ran outta you!"

Maybe that is why the movie is just named "Gatsby" then.
Not so great.

WORD. This would have made Number 2 or 3 on my worst list.

At first I liked where you were going, but you lost at me at Warm Bodies and 2 Guns. Then picked me back again at Now you see me.

Trying to insert a little logic in AV Club hyperbole is like sandblasting a soup cracker.

World War Z was pretty hilarious with it.

There are some depths even the AV Club won't plumb.

I didn't care for it, but I did like the whole downfall of Elysium and the basic revolution in this world was essentially the result of Matt Damon making one wisecrack at a cop.

I do think it's funny that in that one video he gives that dude a haircut.

Hah. Strangely enough, my point still stands for Homeland recaps.

That was what I came here to post. Die hard on a boat!

It also seems like the team involved with this knew shit about Star Trek, binge watched a few dozen eps across TOS, the TOS movies, TNG, and then said oh this will be cool to add [insert Star Trek reference], because it;s doing an old thing different! With lens flares!

Oh I hope that's not a hostage.

Yeah, that's a good point.

"I should start out by saying that I've been a stubborn Homeland apologist this season"

The scene where that pic is from turned me right off of the movie when we first rented it. I made it through another 15 minutes then turned it off. Took me a few weeks to try again.

He's dead, JIM.