
Bitches leave.

Same here. I was annoyed by the amount of cribbing from existing stuff.

Sure it's hyperbole, but that doesn't make it untrue.

My favorite moment in Die Hard 2 plays on a similar theme as Zack discusses with the first movie. We see the scene where the drug lord takes over the plane from his point of view, he lands it heroically, opens the door and emerges with a victorious "Freedom!" only to be met with John Mclain's "Not yet!" and a punch to

I think my favorite moment in the movie, that kind of goes along with the notion of the film flipping around the rooting for good guy or bad guy thing Zack is referring to, is when they open the vault, the door swings open, Beethoven's 9th (which has been played in bits and pieces throughout the movie at this point)

Whenever someone says they need a miracle or something needs a miracle, to this day I will say "It's Christmas, Theo. It's the time of miracles!"

Yellow Ledbetter.

Bennett's baby sketch was funny. That is the weird kind of shit Will Ferrell used to pull in his early days, like the Get off the Shed dad or the guy who plays with cat toys.

Well, that's what you get from douchebags dressed in flannel like lumberjacks.

Here are the Harry Potter movies in order.

Sims logic:

Nah, but the one bit where Moynihan dances around "best mayor ever" is pretty funny. About 5 seconds of funny.

"I believe horses? Come from outer space."
"I do too."
"Ok, good."

Eighth grade. 1984. American history class. We watched The Wiz.
For Black History month.

"It's not supposed to end like this!"

"How long have you been holding on to that one?"

Aliens is kind of that sequel. Alien is basically a straightforward horror story. Aliens is balls to the wall action (and still pretty scary).
It's like 1 alien wasn't enough for the next one. "Hey, let's just throw a shit ton of them in there and see what happens." Awesome.

"100 to 1 shot! I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season and bet some money on the Cubbies!"

Yeah, I love it as well. It doesn't have the same heart, as it's bookends, but it's a different movie. It's just way too much fun. I'm a sucker for time travel movies that play around with this kind of thing, flirting with retcon, dancing around the edges of the original, etc. just a ton of fun

Yeah, I wondered about that a while back, too. I kind of had this notion that maybe it was because of the experience he had literally just gone through. He saw his dad treated like a wuss, and he saw his son treated poorly; so, maybe it's Marty's way of overcompensating for that, with the catchphrase thing something