
That's not edgy! Take a potshot at Olive Garden next time, you hack!

Gran Turismo 3 is the only reason I have a fondness for Kickstart my Heart.

Well to be fair, he deserved to be knocked down a peg or two.

"You know what, I'm gonna say this, I'm not comfortable saying it, but I think it's the right thing to do, 'F*** Nancy Pelosi's 5 year old grandson.'"

Do the chair know that we gonna look like some punk ass bitches out there?

I'm with you on Deb, but Clay not weaselly? Heh. He spent the last season dodging the reaper through every last ditch thing he could conceive.

Until it happens, I like to think that the so-called spinoff is Odenkirk and Gilligan just fucking with us because of whatever may happen to Saul.

Yo, where's Wallace?!!

That Irish dude in the first season of Hell on Wheels that got a bullet through the throat and out the back of the head and lived.

Every character?

When Jimmy through Mickey off that balcony toward the end of Season 2, I laughed and laughed and laughed, then rewound the DVD and laughed and laughed, then again and again.

Yeah, but Gomie is kind of in the same shit as Hank. Gomie didn't cotton on to Walt either, and he knew as much as Hank did.

I liked that. We don't really need that scene. Maybe Hank spelled it out, maybe he just told him, "you gotta come listen to this."

That would be funny-ish.

I think the quote worked better because he actually used the word "dribbling" instead of pissing.

That was jesse's burner, but didn't we hear Hank's phone with some bizarrely hilarious ringtone one time?

Whoever writes this shit for Jesse is awesome.

"Jesse’s had some pretty awesome plans since the days when he was trying to broker peace between Mike and Walt.."
Damn straight. Magnets, BITCH.

The more you know…

BOOM Male pattern baldness SLAM.