
Ray carrying that case of guns through the tunnel was pretty funny, but it was just so incongruous to hear him shout "Mother of pearl!" in there. What is he, an old lady?


Well to be fair, when has Walt ever really shown much interest in his family beyond the superficial? He has always seemed to look at them with a "I'm so better than this" attitude. Even with the baby, she just seems like a prop with which to taunt his wife.

What the hell are you talking about?

Interesting that Walt's lies almost sound as believable as the truth we know, which is really pretty outrageous in its own right. A sad sack high school chem teacher with cancer becomes a near mythical meth druglord who has successfully hidden from the DEA and managed took out another dangerous druglord?

Not since The Shield's final season have I seen so much public opinion that there is no other way for the season to end than the main character's death. And the ending of that show was fantastic.

If you want to walk around with a laptop from The Exorcist, that's just fine.

Yeah, seems like a modern day haunted house. Probably something meth-chemical-ricin related that made big news, enough so that house is not only left empty, it's abandoned with a karmic vengeance. And when Carol sees Walt, she is scared shitless. So something bad mustve happened and become well known.

The Bugle. Hind of half and half, Andy Zaltzman in the UK and John Oliver in the US, but both podcasters are British and bring that sensibility to it.

They weren't political puns. They were Russian geography puns goddamit.

Richard was dead the whole show!

I feel like you are talking to someone else, as I wasn't really trying to indict the show's awkward resolution, and most of your arguments as far as responding to my post are neither here nor there.

Yeah, kind of silly. He did try to explain it away, as if the kid being traumatized meant he would black the memory out. So why bother. Probably if it ever really came back, it would be confusing and unreliable. And little boys weren't his MO.

I think she knew it was Skinner. She didn't just leave a random message for anyone to find, she left it with Holder's partner. She probably figured a partner should be as close and reliable as a best friend in her life was. Oops.

Mostly agree. But I actually think that as soon as Skinner sees that she's figured him out, his expression reads to me that he basically gives up at that moment. He's been caught, and that's that. Their drive may be him trying to find an out, but as he keeps going, I think he realizes that he really is done and all he

or to quote Frank Reynolds

Yeah, I thought it was impressive that the show went through with that ending. They could have chickened out with Holder talking her down, but seeing her break like that was the only real satisfying artistic choice they could make.

Yeah, the dialogue was a little clunky in that reveal… but the acting by Enos and Koteas helpfully overshadowed some of that. While you really see the weight of truth creep up and take over the expression in Linden's face, the subtle shift you see in Skinner after he reads her expression is some serious craftsmanship.

The chemistry between Linden and Holder is the show's saving grace. When not under stress, they communicate like they've been partners for years. When under stress, they work like a pretty impressive team.

This was the Killing's bottle episode.