
Life… It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come.

I remembered that, and also after ragging on the site, they proceeded to make fun of some guy who walked past the window for 5 minutes, with Kinane pointing out that they just acted toward that guy the way they were complaining about commenters.

That was a good one. I also liked when Gwenyth Paltrow was in the audience, after they had been broken up for a few years, he introduces her, and she pretends not to know him while speaking in a silly English accent. He then taunts her for him winning an Oscar before she did (I think she had just won one), and she

Alex, what are four places you commonly get punched?

@avclub-92c9b96871c64bbb5fc1913d3aec11b5:disqus  Kevin Reynolds, the director, told a lecture hall I was in that Costner's accent quality fluctuated with how annoyed Costner was with Reynolds at any given time. And if Reynolds ever told him the accent was slipping, Costner let it slide more.


The other marvelous scene a little earlier that is echoed in this one, where the explanation of Neo as the One is all laid out, is also amazing. It's an echo because it's the first instance of neo being invited to go down the rabbit hole, following the white rabbit…. The scene where Neo's computer turns on, and it

Ben! Ben!
I don't think this movie's gonna work.

Yeah, Edward G Robinson to Jimmy Stewart to Jimmy Cagney to generic 30's gangster…

Do they speak English in What?

Wow, just seeing all those in a list reminds me of how goddam shitty this year has been. Timberlake's ep was mostly good, McCarthy's had some funny stuff, as did Gordon Levitts. I think I hated most of EVERYTHING else.

So you've never watched tv before last night?

Ha, that was great

I thought at the beginning she called it the BMV. I noted that and wondered if it was her just saying it weirdly.

Who's this cunt?!

Focus on anything England or Europe or cricket for more than 2 minutes gets an AVClub "inaccessible" stamp for some reason.

I thought for once it was not quite as unflappably awesome as usual, but there are a few moments where Andy gets rolling and just goes off track a few times, and that is quite amusing. It's still IN THE BEST goddammitt.

Indeed. How is it possible that this one is worse than those? I have no answer.

Just what I thought. Cheers, sir.

Silver linings.