
In Bridsemaids, my favorite example of how good she can be is toward the end, when she is repeatedly driving by Chris O Dowd, who is sitting in his patrol car on the side of the road, trying to get his attention, by mimicking breaking all kinds of laws while he pointedly ignores her.

Yeah, that's a one timer that hit well and they've been trying to catch that fire again and have never been able to. Kind of like the Debbie Downer skecthes.

I didn't know Maya Angelou was pregnant. Maybe it's for her prank show.

I found kind of lame really. It seems like I've seen variations of that bit many times before.

I would watch that, but only if we saw the real greatest hits, which were when her stable of characters were new, years ago (although Gilly and Kat have never been great). This is not a greatest hits.

Yeah, the whole cold open was kind of ramshackle. Like a dress rehearsal sketch.

How does this even get a C-? This has to have been the worst episode of the past few years.

I really like Sepinwall - His recent book is great. but i stopped listening to this because of Feinberg. I heard him call Vampire Diaries the most compelling drama on television, and I unsubscribed.

Andy, get some sleep.

AV Club, give this guy an editing job!

I stumbled across this last night, found it interesting. A style that's becoming more popular on PBS lately. Knowledge barrage, beautiful production values, hosted by a likeable and enthustiastically curious personality. A curious cross between slick in-depth lectures and reality tv.

Yeah, it was a wonderful little surprise that you could see coming a few seconds before it happened… but his reaction to the cameras was a perfect topping to the whole thing.

I thought the exact same thing. Although a twist I would have liked a lot better than the Bradley Cooper Ed Helms cameo, would be  Courtney Cox in a Rachel wig doing a really intentionally bad impression.

Simply because of the weirdness of the jennifer aniston sketch and the Darrell's house sketches, this was maybe a B-, at best. Withouth that final Darrell's house, no question a C.

"All of which is a lengthy way of saying…"

"Give me a break. The kid's like…. have you ever seen a drunk baby? It's a long story involving my son, a rum cake, and a low counter. Suffice to say that it turns out at first it's endearing to watch them bounce of the walls but man you take your eyes off them for one second and bam! They've got a bucket on their

No shit, this should have been in there.

I read it as "Susan."

It doesn't HAVE to be bad, but in your scenario, it probably mostly will be.

Who else listens to the Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin podcast? Dumbest named podcast ever, but it's a really good podcast. He basically finds people he would just be interested in just talking to in general, even if he didn't have a podcast. Last week, he had a pretty interesting discussion with RL Stine. The week before, he