
I can't think of any broadcast from Boston that was this bad. Drunken yahoos in the background,sure but many levels above this.

Yeah, maybe a quick "Before we go any further…" type of thing rather than rather than "Moment of silence… now get excited to see who won!" There was no good way to do it, but it also would've been doubly awkward to just act like nothing happened.

Yeah, maybe a quick "Before we go any further…" type of thing rather than rather than "Moment of silence… now get excited to see who won!" There was no good way to do it, but it also would've been doubly awkward to just act like nothing happened.

And the producers are generally pretty good about keeping away from the gimmicky nonsense. If something doesn't work they are quick to give it the heave ho.

And the producers are generally pretty good about keeping away from the gimmicky nonsense. If something doesn't work they are quick to give it the heave ho.

Her certainly oversold it by calling her "America's Sweetheart." It's not like she was Shirley Temple, If she was as huge as he said she was they almost certainly would have known who she was.

Her certainly oversold it by calling her "America's Sweetheart." It's not like she was Shirley Temple, If she was as huge as he said she was they almost certainly would have known who she was.

Wasn't she Edie Falco in the Charlie Brown sketch?

Wasn't she Edie Falco in the Charlie Brown sketch?

I also loved the Jewish boy character. And I don't care what anyone says, I'm always glad to see "What Up With That?" It's the same sketch every time, but it always gets me. But did Jackson really drop a full "Fuck"? It sounded to me more like a "fu…" But the "bullshit was definitely loud and clear.

I also loved the Jewish boy character. And I don't care what anyone says, I'm always glad to see "What Up With That?" It's the same sketch every time, but it always gets me. But did Jackson really drop a full "Fuck"? It sounded to me more like a "fu…" But the "bullshit was definitely loud and clear.

It was truly lovely which is a word I don't use too often. My only problem with it was when I realized that the presence of a choir of children made it that much more likely that we'd hear "Wonderful Christmastime" which nobody wanted.

It was truly lovely which is a word I don't use too often. My only problem with it was when I realized that the presence of a choir of children made it that much more likely that we'd hear "Wonderful Christmastime" which nobody wanted.

I'm afraid you're right, but I did like 12 CHAIRS. Not as much as Mel does, but it's worth seeing.

I'm afraid you're right, but I did like 12 CHAIRS. Not as much as Mel does, but it's worth seeing.

Skupin really did seem starstruck to be on the same tribe as her. It was kind of cute.

Skupin really did seem starstruck to be on the same tribe as her. It was kind of cute.

Yeah, I think Skupin is the least deserving of a win, but I still wouldn't be terribly upset if he won. To be honest taking Abi made a lot of sense. I'd have done it in a heartbeat.

Yeah, I think Skupin is the least deserving of a win, but I still wouldn't be terribly upset if he won. To be honest taking Abi made a lot of sense. I'd have done it in a heartbeat.

Jeff was back on last week's episode having some weird conflict with the auctioneers so it looks like the seeds are being planted for his return as the new Dave Hester. At least Dave was over the top obnoxious. Jeff is just dull and kind of a jerk, but not enough of a jerk to be interesting.