
I'm really curious who he'll fight. They're not going to put him in with anyone good but there's still no guarantee he can beat anyone.

This one definitely isn't. Matter of fact most of them aren't, they simply become works after the guy returns.

Yes, I definitely caught a "my wife" from one of them. Surprised the He'll out of me.

Yeah, stuff like that keeps me from getting too worked up about a cat showing up and laying there like a lump on a log. I half expected her to be booking matches.

She seemed drugged up. Either that or she's the most mellow cat in the world.

She might have had second thoughts when she realized exactly how shitty it was going to be and how much hype it was going to get. No way she ever thought it was going to be good.

When it was just a meme it was fine, but cats by their nature are not suited for this kind of lifestyle. She looks drugged up half the time I see her on TV.

How big of a pay day could doing a voice over for a Lifetime movie really be? I have no problem with her making an easy pay day and no doubt I'd do the same thing, but it's not like she's getting paid millions for this gig.

I think the difference here is that we're exploiting some poor cat. Humans? Let those assholes do what they want and create whatever shit they want, but knowing an innocent animal is involved here makes it less fun.

"We did this 'give up my reward' shit last week. Find a new gimmick."

Yeah, never would have expected it from her based on her TAR appearances, but she's shrewd. Survivor appears to be her game more than the Race.

That's honestly what I'm thinking. You can't complain about people listening to your music legally. It's not their fault the artists have shitty deals.

That makes sense since she doesn't have enough recurring characters to do a different one every week.

Cut this part out.

I agree with you even though I'd also agree if somebody said we were both overthinking it. Bennett does a good job with the physical comedy, but it just doesn't make me laugh.

Yeah, for the most part these scenes don't make the cut for a reason. If it's an episode you really enjoy then they're worth a listen, but in general you can skip them though they are short and they're rarely bad, just not as good as the main episode.

WHAT'S MY LINE? reruns airing on GSN coincided with me purchasing my first Tivo and I was looking for anything interesting to record and found GSN's Late Night Black & White and it pretty quickly became an obsession. So different from anything on TV now. It was also funny who the celebrities on the show were evenl;y

If you can afford the internet then you can afford Netflix.

My personal theory- the director of that commercial was a PA or something on SCRUBS and he and John got along to the point where John said to him"If you ever need a favor from me then don't hesitate to call." Low and behold, this kid got a gig directing a commercial and they had trouble filling the role so he called

I remember on DAVIS RULES every episode contained at least one scene where the script apparently read "Jonathan Winters does whatever" and it was always the highlight of the episode.