cognitive decline

Either you're missing my point and/or want to fight about it and label me.
I don't think you're that dense so…NEVERMIND.

No - see reply to Vinny.
The impression I get is that Cameron wants to be appreciated as a comic and artist, not necessarily a gay comic/artist. And if that didn't apply to other people as well. Is she trying to transcend a label or does she highlight it because she considers that really core to her being as that

Yep, got that. But it had its own line, like:

No, and it doesn't "bother" me here either. That wasn't the point I was making. I don't care if people are gay, I just wonder why they seem to continously point it out if they don't want to make a big deal of it.

Well it certainly was nice of her to visit a fan in the hospital. And usually Cameron has some salient point, but they do tend to revolve around the fact that she is gay. But to that I say "so what".