Very well put.
Very well put.
Did anyone else notice Ernie's knowing laugh when Cindy mentioned how they know where the "Ladyboys" are in Bangkok?
I feel sorry for your boyfriend.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Edna is adorable. I'd like to get her and Cochrane together and have the most awkward threesome ever.
Les Cousins Dangereux?
Orphanages are great places to get new slaves!
This is my first firsty attempt in a long time.
Grignr the Barbarbarian
I'm still waiting for a movie adaptation of the adventures of Grignr.
Sure Meadow:
Was that the show where the "geniuses" who were a bunch of morons won?
Oh no! The high forties? You poooooooor baby! Oh you must be sooooooo cold! Here, let mamma swaddle you in some more blankies you poor teeny weeny baby. Your little toesy woesies must get sooooo cold, what with it being in the high forties and all. Boooo hoooo hoooo!
I am so impressed by you McFuckenstein I just had to come out of retirement to let you know.
Pretty good! How are you?
I went and saw their show when they came to town, it was actually a pretty good time.
Nguyen is pronounced like the sound one makes when a penis hits the back of their throat during fellatio.
Damn it, even with adblock off it still says I need to disable it. Fuck it.
Aw, it says I have to remove adblock to watch it. I reckon I might as well, I don't want all these tissues I grabbed to go to waste.
Mr. Hitler, the Burton is not a book store, it is actually an abandoned school that has been converted into a theater. It's a great place to go if you want to rape some hipsters. There is something so sad about Detroit hipsters.
You are absolutely right Captain Cool. I am not the sort of person to care about where I shop, but I have started my own private boycott against Gamestop because I just hate that place so fucking much.