
It's why I prefer masturbation to sex.

DCRJ's anus! Look guys, I know inside jokes too! Can I be part of your group? Huh guys, can I?

He sounds exactly like that.

Yeah but that's in the Other Shows category, is it going to be regularly reviewed? I'm sitting here refreshing the site waiting for the second episode to be reviewed. I even got a firstie in while doing so! Stop me before I first again!

What a shitty first episode.

My limited vocabulary is pretty funny also.

There was even somebody yelling "Broken record!" or something like that while the brain-damaged lady was trying to talk. Is there any other show where the audience is rude like that? I actually might enjoy some shows if they did. Like if people heckled Howie Mandel during Deal or no Deal, that would be pretty funny.

I don't usually watch this but I checked it out during the commercial breaks during Cooking With Smegma, and I was wondering: does the audience always boo every fucking thing the judges say? It's annoying as my rash.

Just google Buster Keaton! I copied you exactly since you actually chose something I'm a huge fan of, but generally I want people to be able to tell us apart.

Survivor is where they vote people off. You're thinking of Amazing Race.

Nice secondsies.

Well? Would you bang him?

At last! Victory!

Cripes: The perfect crime!

I LOVE Buster Keaton! It really freaks me out just how similar we are.

Too soon.

I HOpe you knock this off.

I usually just leave my socks on the heater for a while when I want to fap into something warm.

I have a cute black dress I stole from my last girlfriend that I think I'll be wearing to this. I'll also be wearing a name tag that says "cybersibil"

Nope, nobody can.