Gil Grison CSI

One of the best ways to understand the significance of what a conductor does is to find some behind-the-scenes footage of rehearsals (some orchestras also offer free or cheap access to rehearsals, as well) since most of what they do to shape a performance happens before the audience shows up.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus I don't know about the other cities, but as a Chicagoan who has been living in Portland for a year I have to call bullshit.  Portland's quiet, inexpensive, 100% handicapped-accessible and ever-punctual public transportation is practically Utopian in comparison to

When The Sixth Sense came out, my father (and probably a lot of other people simultaneously) came up with a theory that it was a prequel to The Frighteners. This is what I immediately thought of when Rabin said Michael J. Fox looked like a "baby-faced child star gone to seed," which is probably what Haley Joel Osment