
Ahhh, he posted the Los Angeles address, I posted the New York. LA seems more reasonable. I suck at life.

I'm super excited Todd posted Greenblatt's address. If I may indulge, was I the first person to post this (back on "Today In News From The Darkest Timeline")? And if so, can we take a second to reflect on how awesome I am? And if not, will someone tell me to shut my word hole?

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I read this, because I had to. And I know it won't REALLY spoil anything for me because it's in watching the execution of ideas that I actually find the enjoyment that only reading about them can hint at. I did come into the series a bit late (about 8 episodes in to season 2) but

Holy f'ing hell. Greg Dulli is my God. I need to go to London.

YES! Electric Six is the greatest band of forever and all times.

I obviously have fewer good ideas than the Office writing staff.

Dat Muff does Great Britain (y'know, wif funky teef n' shit. Ouch!)

I don't know how reddit works and I don't know that I'm motivated enough to figure it out right now, being at work all late n' stuff. My Facebook "note" has this letter as well as mailing information.

Firstly, SHIT, I totally wrote 'Lemar' Burton, which makes me an idiot for overlooking it during revision. I don't know if I hit m instead of v, or if auto-correct immediately changed the v to an m while I was typing. Either way, I am shamed. I will make the appropriate change for my physical letter.

This is something I wrote and sent to NBC. I would urge everyone to write a similar (if less verbose) letter of support / anger / derision / lament / sadness / desperation and send it to NBC as well. Let them know that we will not go quitely into the night. Let them know that we will not give up without a fight. Let

I was being speculative. I have no idea if they've considered him, but as your enthusiasm suggests, they'd be crazy not to consider him.

Let's riot.

The only way this wouldn't be a travesty is if they managed to get Saul Williams to play Miles Davis. If that happened, I'd probably piss sunshine.

Nice try, @avclub-83b354fbe55560fabd05df5f8d7b240f:disqus , but if I'm going to be keeping with my perceived tendency to be a nitpicky smartass, I feel as though I should point out that Kim Thayil played guitar, not bass.

Big props for the use of the Pixies' "Hey" at the end, too.

It's not that I didn't like it, but it's certainly not the kind of the song that seems appropriate for a show as pulpy and poppy as Veronica Mars. It was a bit of a momentum killer.

In addition to everything else that made the show one of the best of its or any other time, the Veronica Mars theme was rad-ass. It starts slowly and emo enough, prepping you for sure-to-be-angsty teenage business. But like so much else in the show, it quickly subverts expectations when it explodes into a catchy,

That's 740,000 'motherfuckers', motherfuckers!

All lovely choices, to be sure, but what about "Up"? I can't imagine that those first 5 minutes could better sum up the great highs of life and love and the bitter lows of death and loss to both adults and children.

Gotta do something at work.