annyong hermano

The closest to Malcolm is probably Congressman Furlong (in terms of profanity), but he just doesn't pop up as much.

I just rewatched the scene a couple of times out of curiosity and I could see how one could hear "crunchy" because there is a slight hard c sound, but it still sounds like punchy. The "I'm just saying words" explanation would make more sense if "crunchy" was the last word he ended on and he then realized his

Mike didn't say crunchy, he said punchy as a synonym for robust. He's incompetent, but he's not THAT incompetent.

Apparently there was a scene after Quinn sees the two of them together where he's inspired to call his Philly ex-girlfriend, but it was cut since it was considered unnecessary. I don't know if that scene would have made Quinn's motivations any better (he was inspired by love), but at least they would have been present.

Apparently there was a scene after Quinn sees the two of them together where he's inspired to call his Philly ex-girlfriend, but it was cut since it was considered unnecessary. I don't know if that scene would have made Quinn's motivations any better (he was inspired by love), but at least they would have been present.

From what I got, Carrie knew that Brody killed Walden and didn't care, presumably because it was to save her own life. Imo, the biggest flaw of season two's second half has been its pacing - it's just moved too fast and been unable to examine the consequences of the characters' actions.

From what I got, Carrie knew that Brody killed Walden and didn't care, presumably because it was to save her own life. Imo, the biggest flaw of season two's second half has been its pacing - it's just moved too fast and been unable to examine the consequences of the characters' actions.

I agree, the season felt extremely schizophrenic, with one half as a thriller focused on one-upping itself and the other half a good character study. Season one was able to balance these elements with some nuance and subtlety, but it seems like after episode 5-ish of this season, the writers really didn't know what to

I agree, the season felt extremely schizophrenic, with one half as a thriller focused on one-upping itself and the other half a good character study. Season one was able to balance these elements with some nuance and subtlety, but it seems like after episode 5-ish of this season, the writers really didn't know what to

Yes, the show explicitly addressed it when Brody said, "It was either you or Walden, Carrie."

Yes, the show explicitly addressed it when Brody said, "It was either you or Walden, Carrie."