Horatio Scornblower

That is an incredibly beautiful metaphor.

Most people with taste prefer Nick Cave to Steve Vai.

I think it's safe to say that we all voted for "This Must Be the Place", right?

For you. Scharpling and Wurster are already funny.

For you. Scharpling and Wurster are already funny.

I love that the commenters are in an uproar because the mean man on the radio made fun of their little club. Boo hoo. Don't be dicks. And also, be funnier.

I love that the commenters are in an uproar because the mean man on the radio made fun of their little club. Boo hoo. Don't be dicks. And also, be funnier.

What a surprise, Amelie likes a reality show!

Also, none of you mouth breathing dorks could carry Christgau's pen.

The coronation is premature because Channel Orange was, well, not very good. And this is coming from someone who really enjoyed Nostalgia, Ultra.

The scene where Al Jolson's character finally sings the Kol Nidre is seriously moving, and the cross cutting sequences near the middle of the film do more than cement as a classic.

He spent a ton of time trying to work on a movie called A Topiary but I think that got derailed and he made this in the mean time.

*slow clap*

Yikes. I figured from the ads that this would be a really dumb, bad show, but it also sounds pretty damn ugly and cynical to boot.

The great thing about Barry is that he's not just a funny character, but a legitimately fucked up/threatening/menacing villain. I'm also hoping that this is finally the season where Conway Stern returns to have his vengeance.

The fact that Archer acknowledges Gene and Louise, but not Tina, by name was hilarious.

Seriously. Does Hollywood STILL not understand how goddamn racist this is?

*throws tomato at you again*

Tasha, did you forget what "spoiler" means?

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to do it anymore. I guess too many people tried it and fucked the site up.