
The racist is the producer, Michael. Ferguson is always calling him a racist because the producer censors the swears.

I just don't understand how Rick and Morty isn't on here at all. That makes the TV section moot. As far as the games section goes, I guess I can see PS4 beating the Wii U (although I am all the way for Wii U), just as long as they both beat XBox1, then I'll be fine with it.

I love how interstellar is both one of the most overrated movies and underrated movies. That's just plain silly.

Yeah, I used to always switch the channel when the interviews come, but now I don't even watch Stewart anymore and when I do, I usually get a little annoyed. That show definitely went a little too far off into the left for me to really enjoy it like I used to. I am one of those people who will always say that both

I agree with this and if you hadn't of put this, then I would of had to. I'm definitely more sad about losing Ferguson than about losing Colbert (Not that Colbert was bad or anything). I'm gonna miss the crazy Scotsman, the gay robot skeleton, the horse and the racist.

Call me a grampa if you have to, but I really miss the old format of south park where they weren't always trying to make some type of political point in every episode. It was a much more manic, crazy and insane show back then. Nothing made sense and that was great.

I just looked it up, we're both wrong. He is just a writer.

I think that nintendo's DLC has been great, especially considering how cheap it is for something that adds quite a bit more playtime to the game.

Oh yeah, I remember that supposedly Jay Leno and George Clooney voice animals. I can't remember which ones though. I think Clooney was Stan's dog, which completely disappeared from the show and I think Leno was Cartman's cat. IDK though.

I didn't laugh too much at that episode, but my favorite moment was when the girls asks bill cosby if that's wine and he tells her it's just jello. It was just a funny melding of the old Cosby impression with the new one.

Nintendo always seems to work excellent music into it's games.

These guys are extremely underrated. I'm glad the AV Club actually did an article on OC Remix. I check them out on Youtube and for all the work that they do(and well by the way), their videos barely have the amount of views you'd expect them to have.

I don't really get the point of why the AV Club keeps posting these random things when nobody in the comment section seems to enjoy or care about these "Great Jobs" that the internet is supposedly doing.

There are tons of better comedies out there, although I am generalizing on comedies because I'm including animated shows and other shows that are in a different comedy genre when I say this. I mean, I'll laugh every once in a while at Modern Family, but something like Rick and Morty(an animated show that will probably

Yeah, nothing until the fall again because they do ten episodes at once rather than splitting the season into two seven pieced halves. This new decision has worked out so far for South Park.

Of all people, Jennifer Aniston actually voiced the rainforest guide in a really early episode, I think season 3. Also Korn voiced themselves in a Scooby Doo parody episode of South Park. There are some other ones too. None of the recent episodes have a celebrity voice though, it seems.Probably because they work on

This episode kept my interest, but it wasn't anything special or even really funny. The only time I laughed was when Lily said how babies were made. It just hit me the right way, probably because it was so completely ridiculous. The episode was kind of a weird set up and storyline, but whatever. For sitcoms without

I caught the end of The Middle and since I did not watch the rest of the episode, my opinion on it is unfinished. The Middle is just one of those shows that never comes on when I want to see it. So I am just stuck wondering what exactly I would think of the show other than expecting it to be good. The show reminds me

Well, Fargo and John Oliver made the top ten so I'm happy about that. Although Rick and Morty deserve to be in this tier as well.

Old Television Shows Thread