
Just read your username. I rank it in the same tier as Penis Van Lesbian and Queef Latina, Laugh Out Loud Funny.

We shall see…… but I hope you're right.

Well, at least it ended well. Jax doesn't get away with it. He doesn't pass go and get $200. He goes directly into the grill of a semi.

I'm not really sure to be honest. I really hope that they don't go that route, but I'll guess that he had the rings as a symbol of Jax/Gemma, odds are he won't know too much about the club and Nero will probably get the idea out of his head so that they don't follow down that path. Also, if he did end up in the club,

I meant HIMYM and Dexter ended badly. Breaking Bad ended excellently. I had predicted a lot of what was going to happen in the finale, but that means that the series ended the way it should've ended. Breaking Bad was absolutley loyal to the people watching it and all the awards given to it are well deserved, unlike

I edited my comment to what I really meant. But if you are willing to lynch me over a typing mistake, maybe you should go away. Seriously, "regardless you should go away"… you're a douche.

I edited my comment to what I really meant. Breaking Bad ended very well. I meant Dexter and HIMYM.

Lumberjack made me scream at my TV, but I was already pissed before that. Dexter just taking a dead body out of the hospital with nobody stopping him was beyond silly to me. Also, Hannah's return built to annoyance for me.

Don't worry about it. Just because you have a similar opinion, doesn't mean you can't post it.

Yeah, mediocre doesn't equal bad though. Too many people who comment on this show seem to hate watching it and give it F's because it's cool to hate this show since it's popular. The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family have the exact same thing going on and while neither of them are amazing shows, they also don't

I like this show, probably will skip the first ten episodes of this season and parts of season 6 if I rewatch the series, but the last two episodes made it worthwhile. It definitely did not betray itself like a few other certain shows that recently ended. I'm looking at you, Dexter.

The romance between Chibs and the police officer was pretty pointless outside of reinforcing the idea that good and bad can't be in bed together. Jax was already making that point anyways.

It was them because it was a threat against Jax saying that they couldn't hid from Marx.

Unfortunately, tonight's episode is the season finale, so that means a holiday special is very unlikely. I do agree that this season has had it's share of clunkers, but we also got Cock Magic, Freemium Gaming and the Lorde episode among some other decent episodes. That automatically makes it better than the past few

Is anybody who actually likes the show commenting here or is it just me? This show isn't nearly as bad as people here make it out to be. Sure, it's nowhere near perfect, but after all, it is just a biker soap opera, definitely not to be on the level of breaking bad.

Well, Breaking Bad ended a week after the Dexter finale did and we all know that Breaking Bad ended excellently, so there is that. Also this show ended way better than those two pieces of shit(How I Met Your Mother and Dexter). This season of SOA might of been really bloated and ridiculous at times, but this ending

It was Marx's crew.

The ending was good. I liked it because it was an appropriate note to end the series on. The show got the boys away from Samcro and condemned Jax for his sins.

The second part of the south park episode is tonight. Despite last week's episode being a little scattered, I think the show will bring us a solid episode tonight since the multiparters of South Park are usually well done. Especially since this season has been the best season of the last few years.

Well that's your opinion and not mine. I think that despite this season being clunky, that does not mean the show will end badly.