Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The British film industry is a whole lot less glamorous.

Once again I'm shocked that AVC would cover a Nazi skinhead-punk band, before realising I've misread the title.

To use a weird analogy - I guess Kanye here would be lit-fic while Prince is erotica. In MBDTF the sexual encounters are part of the greater narrative, meant to show the deteriorating mental soundness of the protagonist and his futile attempts to work this out, or cling to something 'real', through sex (like, say,

I hate to get hipster-y about M&S of all bands, but the EPs they released before they were signed by a big label are actually pretty good (there are early versions of a number of the Sigh No More tracks there as well). It's more raw and acoustic than the heavily produced album stuff.

People hate "Vincent and The Doctor"? It's probably my favourite episode of the Smith era.

Yeah, I mean watching it now it's really noticeable how the only woman on deck is essentially their secretary.

An Infinite Jest crossover?

And the hair.

That oversight is a surprise considering how much research went in to the book, I have to say.

Have you read Drood by Dan Simmons?

Karl Urban conveyed so much with different variations on a scowl.

I'm a huge fan of Vonnegut, but I'm not a particularly big fan of Monkey House because of that horrible title story

I'd say use Lot 49 as an entry point - it's short, but has all the typical Pynchon elements present.

I've just read The History of Love too! It was wonderful. Like I couldn't point to any one thing that makes it so great, rather it was one of those books that just takes hold of you emotionally so by the end you're just enthralled.

The BBC adaptation of Wolf Hall is really good. It doesn't feel like any other show on TV.

What about the best one - 'Washington Bullets'?

Nah, I knew it was him when he landed an unprovoked slam on the French upthread.

She's a Swede.

The Hammersmith Odeon '75 version of that is just amazing

*Harmonica intro to The River starts*