Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

We're all having a sexual christmastime…

JET! *Fails to order room service, falls off bed*

I don't know why you wanna impress Christgau…

President Ford

Dobby from Peep Show

How about the Icelandic penis museum?

I got a Community notification for this?

Being from Europe, we had Dr. Beibotnik.

I loved it! The book's a favourite as well, but I loved what they did with it. It managed to be an adaptation that had its own philosophy without detracting from the themes of the source material.

Out of spite.

Isn't it implied in an episode of Torchwood (to explain the techie being in the lab) that she's covering for Owen? Or was that just a fan theory?

Swift, eat your heart out.

So dinner, then?

When is there not a time?

Oh no…

I think part of that is that Piper has had eight years acting experience since - she's at a different level than she was back in the first series.

But his fingers go up to eleven…

Actually the one big change I hoped for when they announced Beorn way back was that they'd lose the hind-leg-walking dogs serving his dinner. I think that's a little too silly even for The Hobbit.

It's such a surprise when that comes in - the songs seems really basic and then this blistering solo comes out of nowhere…

Except for a couple of Keith Richards guest spots which are easy to spot because they sound like Keith Richards.