Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The AV Club
there are certainly times when a good six inches would really have come in handy.

He did write the dollhouse episode in the last series, which admittedly got pretty mixed reviews.

I never thought of it like that and you're completely right. This whole rivalry thing exists all in the minds of the fans.

Apparently Bellasario had served with Oswald and said that he believes that he was totally capable of doing it alone.

It's not actually as weird as it sounds, his granddad having been Poet-Laureate and all that.

I don't know, I think you can see he had a sense of comic timing back in Homicide.

I loved that game.

They just did a small venue tour as 'The Reflektors' (at least in the UK)

Rap Genius is really the only worthwhile lyrics site around - while some of the annotations can admittedly be pretty banal, there is actually a fairly high general quality of insight.

We got Run Lola Run is our German classes.

In Stephen Fry's novel Making History the protagonist succeeds in poisoning the well in the village where Hitler was born. This leads to a much more charismatic and intelligent (and higher social class) person fulfilling Hitler's role and managing to take over the whole of Europe. The virus the guy uses is also

Wait, I'm sure there was actually a line of dialogue where he says something about wanting to be the big damn hero, or something and the party (or parties) was where he was trying to show off.

Wait, did the beginning of that inspire the opening to 'The E Street Shuffle'?

I'm a student so the income is in the, uh, minuses, and if we're talking currently airing (just…) Treme

I'm sure there was a pretty good short film doing the rounds a year or so ago with that premise.

Yeah, there are even photos of him on set around so it's a sure thing.

Depends on how you look at it - they're apparently a Norwegian 'Flight of the Conchords' kinda thing, so it was almost certainly intentional, but there's nothing really to get riled up about in it.

They're closer to cats, really.