Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

I may have accidentally voted that down trying to upvote it. I am history's greatest monster.

Prove me wrong, kids, prove me wrong.

Anglers are kinky folk…

I saw a video about how the architecture of the hotel is impossible (doors to nowhere, corridors that don't go where they're supposed to), which really contributes to its creepiness. Even though its so subtle it has a huge effect on the feel of the place.

Worth it.

My sister (who is a big fan of his) was running through all of the things he does, and it just seems unfair to other males that they have to exist in the same world as such a perfect guy. He is unfairly perfect.

Wait, I'm a millennial (I guess) and I don't know keyboard shortcuts…

G&T. I'm sorry to other UK AVCers for upholding stereotypes…

It's a pretty decent late-career single from The Kinks.

Treme is pretty much the best thing on TV, yes.

I think it is a jokey reference to the fact that everyone thought they were called 'The Suburbs' when they won the Grammy.

It has to be one of the best directed dramas on TV. There have been some truly beautiful images in the series.

I prefer it to Breaking Bad. I'm sorry guys.

You can't just start a pun thread on a quim.

He plays hi cousin 'Sherlock' from Nancy. They were both Nancy boys…

That 'War Thunder advert is really really making me consider adblock. Autoplaying, non-mutable sound is not cool.

I was going to post a defence but honestly I'm not particularly fond of it, it's one of his lesser tracks, and was really just a throw-away pop song that he wrote with mainstream artists in mind.

Damn, yeah, I think I was listening to Less Than Zero and got my fascist-sympathisers mixed up.

In the 70s Clapton told a crowd at a concert that he strongly agreed with Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech and, more importantly, refused to back down on that position.

Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood/Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood/Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood/Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood/Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood/Yesterday I woke up covered in pigs blood.