Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Bryan fuller would be Perfect.

Well done for proving that every stereotype of Oxbridge students is entirely correct.

Appreciate is easily the worst track on the album - it sounds too much like Kasabian. The album is really good though.

I think that's why, even with the knowledge that he knowingly wrote and performed the track 'Wonderful Christmastime", Paul is my favourite - he just seems to love music and wants to entertain people.

Springsteen gets a lifetime pass for:

It's a shame he spends most of his time in bro-y comedies, as he does seem like a talented and decent guy.

Is that a Massive Attack album?

Black sails in the sunset/exploding out on the sea

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus In theory. But remember they're paying for the opportunity to loudly proclaim on every poster and trailer that the film stars some popular actor, which will get bums on seats.
Quality < $$$ as far as they are concerned.

You forgot the fact the wall were - according to the Sandstorm-displaced Cecil - dripping with gore and viscera.

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus Are you seriously using the word 'negro' in 20-fucking-13?

The critics do that with just about every 'legendary' artist.

Yeah same, presumably I'll now be the bad Orwell pun that I am on Dissolve

I wonder if this verdict gave him a Nervous Breakdown.

And the more you go into different interpretations the creepier it gets - one of our lecturers pointed out that it's entirely possible that she isn't in a house with her husband and his sister, but in an asylum being watched over by a doctor and nurse.

Oh yeah, that scene in the book, which, if I remember right, is the beginning of everything going dark, is pretty chilling. I feel the movie (which I actually really like) downplays the madness a bit by having Aafy look upset/scared instead of just calmly smoking his pipe.

D'Onfrio is really underrated when it comes to discussions of crazy method actors.

He's actually heavily self-critical - he's written at least one entire album about how much he hates himself and thinks he's an asshole.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Everybody must…

Titus Andronicus.