Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

It is, but no-one really uses it.

I thought it was Toots and the May Tells…

Every time it comes on the radio I think 'Oh, cool, Werewolves of London' and then Kid Rocks's stupid voice come in and ruins it.

The one from the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band album?

I think Brando was supposed to be awkward about what to do with his hands during the scene so he kept the glove pick-up so as to have something to do…

Apparently, in the scene at the end of the Fellowship where the Uruk-Hai headbutts him during their duel, the extra had so much prosthetics that he mis-judged and smashed Mortenson in the face, concussing him. He apparently insisted they carry on, meaning that the bit afterwards when Aragorn looks legitimately dazed

Or have him turn up in North Minehead as 'Dexler'

Best literary fart gag is in Moby Dick..

I think the explanation was that Frankenstein wanted to create the 'perfect' human, and so got the choicest cuts from the bodies he stole. Obviously it didn't work…

@avclub-35209f041aca848f4c90c6a0d0fcb97e:disqus Nah, Cocaine made King more productive.

Especially if you're putting it there

Having watched CSI before I'm sure the cops probably have some kind of 'Testicular Recognition Software' or something.

Wait, Game of Thrones isn't a family comedy?

Downton Abbey?

It's actually pretty good, I like the vibe it has. It's interestingly produced and manages to be something more than just a 'movie star covers album.'


Well, theologically speaking, Purgatory and Limbo are different places. One being where you wait out until you're pure enough to go to Heaven and t'other is where you go if you are without Christ, born before Christ or died before Christening etc.

You're not alone. While, yes, I can respect their place as innovators of sorts, and think they have a bunch of great songs, I've just never really got the 'best ever' thing.

It could happen during the opening credits like Police Squad.

Yeah, it isn't great at the moment - Revolution is their big one at the moment and, well…