Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

It is lovely, but I do wonder what a Dan Auerbach produced Blind Boys album would sounds like. His work on Dr. John's last album was really good.

Mo' Meatballs Mo' Problems

I think Id actually watch To Solve or Not To Solve

It was a web-only epilogue - during the credits they announced it was posted to Youtube. The biggest thing about it was that it ended with 'Broadchurch will return' which hadn't been confirmed until then so it was a nice surprise.

There are still old beacons in many rural areas (there a a bunch around where I live), I don't get down to the south coast much but there is a particularly large amount of old monuments and such there.

Oh Susanna, don't you cry for me 
'cause I come from Alabammy with a banjo on my knee

I was sceptical about his being on the soundtrack, but Mumford's weird voice actually works in this setting.


"Jesse, I have one word for you. Meth. It's the future."

It's one of those that looks like it's far too much work for little return. I mean I loved Infinite Jest, but HoL just looks to be obtuse for the sake of it.

Another UK poster here - I actually rarely post on the TI because it's so intimidating…

The Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
The Strokes - Trying Your Luck
Beirut - A Sunday Smile
The Proclaimers - It Broke My Heart
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Amish Paradise
West Side Story Soundtrack - Somewhere
Everything Everything - My Kz Yr Bf

I read that as 'Picket Line' and briefly imagined a Wanking Union.

Ginger Beer is a good one.

Dijon Ketchup!

Is the title of this article a Nick Lowe reference? I hope it is!


Like In Utero, I think 36 Chambers avoids sounding dated because of its stripped back production. There isn't the big cheesy synth sounds you get on a lot of the West-Coast (Dre, Dogg etc) records from the same era.

Vampire Weekend and MGMT are almost at completely opposite ends of the scale: VW wanted to be and are happy with being a pop band, and yet made relatively experimental music (well, mainly on 'Contra'), while MGMT want to be a 'legitimate' experimental band, but their best songs were brilliantly poppy.

Laura Marling has gone one better with her album titles.