Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Atlas Fugs: Who Is Peter Stampfel?

How do we know that 'Clare Danes' is not another one of Tatiana Maslany's characters?

There's an article on Fiona Apple's cover of 'I Want You' which is presumably the final instalment.

Art Brut's "Pump Up The Volume" would also be fitting here…

Are you Leonard Cohen?

Every week is Nick Lowe week. *Puts 'Jesus of Cool' LP on*

The story I heard was that Elvis was dissatisfied with the Attractions version, so he gave it to Edmunds.

"Come on Edge, play the blues!" *switches sirens on*

I enjoyed it - I haven't read the book, though. It was a little disjointed at times, but I'm a sucker for period spy stuff.

Would've been better if we'd been given longer with the Howling Commandos.

Worryingly, judging from a recent class I was in, for some people it's reached the stage of 'anything that was in Shrek'.

Or 'Man, I wish I was born when GOOD music like this was around. All we have now is Justin Beiber/[whichever singer/group the internet currently has a hate-on for]'

Morrissey's biography is a-go once again, so there's that at least.

I highly doubt that Morrissey/Marr (or even Joyce/Rourke) have anything to do with this, or were even aware of the Tumblr.

…and I thank them for it!


- Excerpt from Craig Finn's 'potential lyrics' notebook

I presume Dunn can read and that's why he was taunting Chalky in the jail cell scene.

Are you suggesting it isn't a masterpiece?

Wait, they were named after a martial arts style, right?