Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Cool - Groovy - Morning - Fine!

Yeah, Black Skinhead sounds really discordant and 'off' on the first listen, but great on the second.

Track Six: Yeezus Was Way Cool

The Last of the Time Lords is easily the worst.

I bloody loved that.

It looks like the episode is an extended pre-credit sequence for the new movie.

"From Russia with BWWAAAAMP."

@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus I wasn't saying that those aren't there or aren't important - rather that I could turn off and ignore those but the film itself is so unevenly paced that it is hard to enjoy on that superficial level.

I have to admit I hadn't really listened to Daft Punk much, but I was carried away by the hype into being quite excited about RAM.
Luckily the album is absolutely wonderful. It's a proper album - it needs to be given space to percolate in your mind and must be listened through to the end to get the full experience. 

My only real problem with that film is it's really poorly paced. I didn't mind the characters doing blatantly stupid things (willing suspension of disbelief and all that), it was that it had no momentum - it just pootled along occasionally throwing stuff at the screen with no sense of build-up or threat. This is

@avclub-7d700d04feccf78fb4ce28ac50e1c7f9:disqus I didn't mean to sound as narky as I did!

He must be American - he spelt litre wrong.

My watch was £5 from a market stall and has lasted years.

I thought the 'YOLO' track from a couple of weeks back was really good, but the joke here isn't quite strong enough to carry a track.

Now I'm imagining The National playing it…

It's like Nolan's Batman joined Daft Punk.

This has turned out to be such a good month for music (well, the year hasn't been half bad either).

Anyone who thinks they're smug, stuck-up, and unfunny should watch that series.

Marge, is Ezra at Camp Granada?

Along with Vampire Weekend it's a great couple of weeks music-wise!