Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

You've got Dowd ears, mate.

Not a huge fan of the book as I read it after watching the film, and the film is just so much better.

After all, isn't there a a little bit of the writers in all of us?

I read the books when they came out (and I was a similar age to the characters) and I certainly enjoyed them, but I've no strong desire to revisit them any time soon.


It's a small island - if we all talked at a normal volume we'd be deafened.

I try. God, do I try…

@avclub-f5fc0943a2d597c869afec4103a54605:disqus There are rumours flying around that Christmas will be the end of Smith's Doctor, but I'm not sure how much truth there is in them.

You could roughly work my name out to mean 'boy dragon'.

It's a great book, though, despite how depressing/scary some of the encounters are…

I've had a copy of Life After Life sitting on my desk for a fortnight now but I've been busy and I think a new Kate Atkinson novel deserves my full attention. I can't wait to get into it though.

I got a William Hartnell vibe from it.

Where are the Fall Out Boys of yesteryear?

He was a great Hitler as well.

My Postcolonialism lecture recommended The Interpreters to me, but I've yet to get around to reading it.

I'd suggest A Grain Of Wheat by Ngugi wa Thiong'o as well.

Scott Pilgrim's last couple of volumes were written almost alongside the movie, with a couple of jokes and plot points suggested by Edgar Wright finding their way into the book.

Oh, I thought this was a Scary Go Round reference…

My dad shares a name with the main character in '60s spy series Danger Man.

Excuse me but 'supercut' and 'dubstep? Aren't these just buzz words that dumb people use to sound important?