Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

To be fair that was more likely the heroin.

Well he cancelled his gigs, so it certainly isn't the Rockin' Pneumonia.

I'm from Britain, so the only way I've heard of them is through ice-cream…

For a minute I thought you said 'Kasabian' and I thought I was going to have to revoke your hipster-licence.

Didn't they do a sketch with Zoot called 'Sax and Violence'?

Uh, It's a Good Thing they weren't. That Drives Me Crazy.

That's the original version of the song though, so it doesn't count as a 'cover'.

I'll be the one to defend Anywhere I Lay My Head then. The tracks may not be as good as the Tom Waits originals, but it's an interesting experiment and ScarJo's vocals have a Nico-ish style to them. And the arrangements are really interesting too.

Freddie Starr.

I was a bigger General Hospital fan growing up.

Yeah, the structure of the novels is the thing that knocks it down from being absolutely perfect for me - I'm not advocating messing around with classic literature, but if you re-ordered the chapters so the Frodo/Sam and Aragorn etc. sections run alongside each other instead of in separate books it would probably be

Ah, but the Spit was better-looking.

[Waves Stetson hat around, screams]


They've already laid the groundwork for an exploration of Bond's mortality in Skyfall


Rhyming Einstein with hair definition is Bear of Insanity.

Out on the Wall with the Smashing Pumpkins
Knights of Summer, but they don't have no function…

Owl City's music is 'nice'. Take that as you will.

I wouldn't really listen to their music, but after the little dust-up* with Jake fucking Bugg I have a sort-of fondness for them - if only because they know what they are and don't give a damn about 'authenticity'.