Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Were you taught by José Saramago?

What about Parade's End?

Neverwhere was originally a BBC TV production back in the 90s, though - technically the book was already an adaptation of Gaiman's script for the series. That said, it would be worth a remake if that cast were involved.

I love the opening:

I actually finally got in to rap after a poetry lecturer read out a passage from Decoded where Jay explains how rappers operate in the same way as poets.

Not anymore. *pours out a cup of pilfered pick'n'mix*


I can't remember the name but I'm sure there was a series where a layabout white guy lives next to a rich hard-working black guy with "hilarious consequences".

Okay, Barthes.

Hating on Twilight got boring and predictable five years ago, so making a big deal out of panning it now is just embarrassing.

You're Gonna Chang (Or he's Gonna Leave)

Slo-Mo from Dredd would be pretty fun, I expect.

I think John Barrowman was the biggest shock.

They should show a testcard for the entire weekend

It was definitely Serafinowicz doing James Mason

Decemberists and Los Campesinos! fans seem to be really likely to ahve imaginary friends. I'm not really sure how to interpret that…

Head and shaft.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Ah sorry, I stand corrected! Evidently I wasn't paying much attention.
As an aside, I love the way "Rubber Ring" segues into "Asleep" on the 12".

Not to be a dick, but it was The Smiths' "Asleep" which was a B-side of "The Boy With The Thorn in His Side".

Yeah, I thought that that would have Alp-ed them entice viewers.