Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Mandy Patinkin cited the increasing bloody violence for bloody violence's sake as his reason for leaving the show.

If it's anywhere near as good as American Gods, then consider me in.

Die Harvey

Ach, my bad!

Judging from previous appearances you're from Britain so it is still pretty unbelievable as it was inescapable over here for a while (unless you're really young).

What about Chelsea Hotel #2?

@Big_Knife:disqus It's been fairly popular ever since we stated stealing it from countries we'd invaded. It was only in the late 18th century that tea became dominant.

I know, but you're forced to turn over because on the flip-side is "Spanish Bombs"/"The Right Profile"/"Lost In The Supermarket"/"Clampdown"/"Guns of Brixton".

Give Em Enough Rope has a great 1/2 punch of "Safe European Home" and "English Civil War", then followed by "Tommy Gun" which makes it a competitor for best 1/2/3). It's just a shame that such a blistering opening renders all that comes after it slightly underwhelming.

"Station to Station" followed by "Golden Years" on Station to Station would get my vote for best one/two on a Bowie album.

I love the Dave Edmunds/Stray Cats version of that.

You'd hardly have been the only one.

Live every day like it's David Bowie Day.

To be fair they're parodying Dylan with that one.

Yes! 'Young Ned of the Hill' is brilliant, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Aww, I miss him…

Isn't he the guy who, err, threatened that the US public would throw out the British monarchy again if Obama took his guns away or something?

You never did the Keno$ha kid.

X&Y also has 'Til Kingdom Come and dammit, it may just be my fondness for Kraftwerk making me like the song by association, but Talk is pretty good as well.

"What?" - An Asshole