Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"What?" - An Asshole

Following Fringe's 'David Robert Jones' I'd suspect that his next villain will be called something like Robert Zimmerman.

I think he's my favourite comics person. I can't wait for the Bad Machinery book that's being released in a few months.

Sounds like a Greek folk version of 'Take On Me' played on an 80s keyboard.

Anything taller than 5' 7" is just showing off.

That format always reads more like a Cracked title (for some reason).

1984 is on most Secondary Schools' curriculum plus the usual suspects Dickens, Shelley and the Brontes.

I wonder if the Entmoot joke could be a reference to the fact that the guest voice is Timothy Olyphant.

You're never going to keep him down.

I'm a straight guy and yes, yes he is extremely handsome.

The way you look you'll qualify for next year's old-age pension!

They always seemed the kind of band that wouldn't be into those kind of things and only begrudgingly let their label release a best-of years after they'd split.

This is miles better than Franco's.

something something Thomas something something Tradesman's Entrance.

Every time I see 'Alex Jones' I misread it and think they're referring to the Aga-selling, cheese-making, rakishly handsome epitome of bourgeois middle-England and bassist for Blur, Alex James.

Brigadier @BrigadierLethb… aww

I thought you said '8th Army', which would make for a really interesting series (not to mention a more ethnically diverse set of protagonists).

Especially the guys.