Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Dick Hoe had a popular light entertainment show on the wireless during the late thirties.

I wish they sounded like Bruce Springsteen paired up with TVOTR.

I wish they sounded like Bruce Springsteen paired up with TVOTR.

The way the series is going the next series will be a straight take on The Remains of the Day.

The way the series is going the next series will be a straight take on The Remains of the Day.

As The Stool Pigeon said, probably one of the most pretentious break-up letters ever.

As The Stool Pigeon said, probably one of the most pretentious break-up letters ever.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus You don't?

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus You don't?

Brilliant! I've been looking for one of those all over. Thanks Jian (may I call you Jian?)

Brilliant! I've been looking for one of those all over. Thanks Jian (may I call you Jian?)

C'mon buddy - you've posted 1,000 this week.

C'mon buddy - you've posted 1,000 this week.

All the English in the house politely make your presence known!

All the English in the house politely make your presence known!

Ironically the best Cornish Pasty I've had was in Devon.

Ironically the best Cornish Pasty I've had was in Devon.

I haven't been into a MacDonald's sober for ages. Unfortunately when drunk and in a group there is a high possibility of forgetting your stance and getting a chicken sandwich…

I haven't been into a MacDonald's sober for ages. Unfortunately when drunk and in a group there is a high possibility of forgetting your stance and getting a chicken sandwich…

As far as understand it, it was shot in black and white because fake blood looked unrealistic in colour.