Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

As far as understand it, it was shot in black and white because fake blood looked unrealistic in colour.

Unfortunately the loudest voices calling for 'Saint George's Day' to be a national holiday are the people who would inevitably use the day off to get drunk and beat up Asians.

I feel weird living in a world where Madagascar 3 is unironically enjoyable.

I feel weird living in a world where Madagascar 3 is unironically enjoyable.

The horror!

The horror!

I miss him.

I miss him.

That takes 'Tearz' off the table also.

That takes 'Tearz' off the table also.

Britain again - all the gaols are full.

Same with Menomena - I think there must be a lull in new releases so they're going back to past releases that deserved reviews but for whatever reason weren't.

Same with Menomena - I think there must be a lull in new releases so they're going back to past releases that deserved reviews but for whatever reason weren't.

You forgot Anthony Quayle as the lawyer!

You forgot Anthony Quayle as the lawyer!

Probably Stark because I usually put honour above personal gain, to my loss.

Probably Stark because I usually put honour above personal gain, to my loss.

I think you'll find Triangle wins.

I think you'll find Triangle wins.

A Prayer To R'hllor