Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Met her in a club down in old Soho…

Goodbye to Jason Isaacs…

I'm guessing that it's like Fringe - Star Trek exists there even though Nimoy is William Bell, Spock is just played by someone else.

Super limited edition copy of 'The Dark Knight' with 'Marcellus is Batman Now' and Christian Bale's signature inside.

If I remember correctly, the show has gone to lengths to make sure that he isn't confirmed as autistic/aspergers.

How do you sleep at night?

I'll probably get shot for this but Beyonce's cover versions of a couple of Etta James tracks for the Cadillac Records soundtrack were pretty good.

The Scots hate everyone though. Up to and including themselves.

I didn't think the film was that terrible until that scene. That dance made me retroactively hate the entire movie.

James K. Polkahontas

"This is where the party ends, I can't stand here listening to you and your racist wife…"

I think Theon kinda pulled off a feint, as he conviced the villagers of one of the sacked towns that they were going to attack Torrhen Square so Ser Rodrik was sent down to counter that meanwhile Theon actually goes to Winterfell.

Yeah, despite all my hatred for Joffrey, that was some excellent line delivery.

As far as I know all of the Joff-slapping thus far was in the books. They may be including it as fan-service, but they're not making it up.

Also if Ben Stark is ever found he might have some insight in to his brother's affairs.

Balon really makes Tywin look like 'Westeros Dad of the Year'.

I thought it over and I don't think LF and Arya have atually met (at least recently). While Ned and Sansa spent a lot of time getting lectured at by him, Arya was off catching cats or training with Syrio - I think they may have missed each other for the entire time.

I think it's because there is more similarity in their positions than Sansa would like to think.

The story really plods along until Bree then it seems as if the writing style changes and it gets moving. Unfortunately this is over 100 pages in, so I guess people could get lost before then. I have to admit though I iked the world building and establishing the Shire and it's outlying lands more on a re-read.

Aww now I want that to happen…