Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

I honestly didn't think that they could make a superhero whose skill is archery cool, especially in a modern setting, but Hawkeye really worked.

Actually I think they've done a grand job in updating the elements of the original stories to their modern analogues.

With Doctor Who and Sherlock I think a lot of people miss the fact that this is mainstream British programming. They are not going to be like HBO shows in a little niche where a select few champion them. We are lucky to have these programmes at all.

I am quite surprised by the amount of negativity here - the episode has its flaws (and I'll admit that Moffat does as well) but it doesn't stop it being a fun 90 minutes. I suppose people be having different opinions.

Yet more possible spoilers

Agreed with 1derer - I'm not saying there aren't a lot of women-hating dicks around, especially in that particular subculture, but it must be known that there is a huge gulf between being a misogynist and having an anxiety problem that renders you unable to talk to women (or anyone new for that matter).
-Signed, a male

When I cluelessly walked into my local comic shop last year and awkwardly mumbled 'I don't really know…" when asked which comics I liked, the guy went out back and gave me a bunch of left-overs from Free Comic Book Day. Needless to say I consider the 'comic book guy' myth busted.

More like 'Renaissance is futile'.

As much as it shocks me that people on the internet may hold differing opinions to my own, I believe I disagree with you.

Saw it in an local outdoor theatre where they had Orin come in on a real ol' motorcycle. They'd also styled the front of house to seem like a drive-in picture show (to go with the whole b-movie thing). Seymour was pretty much exactly like Moranis and the whole cast were great singers.

The film didn't have Orin's song in it (which disappointed me a bit when I saw it for the first time after seeing the musical).

I may be the only person in the world who likes her Tom Waits covers album.

Really? Good - this season has been great of course, but I get the feeling that it's just been stalling a little bit to build up to an amazing second half.

For a minute there, after the call-back, I thought that they were going to make all that happened just 'what could happen in an alternate timeline' (like a Community answer to 'it was only a dream').

Mclusky are good for this - aggressive enough to get your anger out, yet witty enough to get you smiling.

I recently listened to doublewhickycokenoice after its mention in Constructive Summer, it turns out the songs riff is a reference to it as well.

The best thing about that is that the monster is neither seen nor explained. There's no cockiness from the Doctor because even he is on the back-foot. On first viewing it stands almost toe-to-toe with Blink for terror.

He was brilliant, but he wasn't given enough time to become 'the best'. Add to that the fact that 3/13 of his episodes were 'Slitheen'-based. Urgh.
He did have some great episodes though.

It does make me wish that Joanna Lumley, Richard E Grant, or Hugh Grant were given a series…

River Song is one a the few things about Moffat's run that I just can't stand.