Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Maybe I'm over critical of that episode - it's one of the one I haven't seen in a long time. I guess I'm one of those that don't like people making their show about a time-travelling alien with a magical police box look silly

A Scandal in Belgravia was spoiled a bit by the sexualisation of Irene Adler, but it wasn't a bad episode by any means.

Actually I'd say before you watch anything watch Blink. Being a Doctor-lite episode you don't need to have much prior knowledge and it is one of the best Doctor Who episodes of the new run (or maybe just in general). Moffat at his Moffatiest.

Without doubt, while RTD did occasionally pull out some absolutely brilliant episodes, there were also some really terrible ones - Love and Monsters to name just one. I get that he was trying to make the show a bit broader, but the soap-opera story-lines really hampered what could have been a great run. People may

Jack White doesn't 'email'. This interview was conducted via a series of short telegrams - hence the apparent hostility.

To be honest, not many people are…

Everybody you love will die!

Near Daventry?

I sure feel sorry for ol' Hank for having him carrying on his name.

He's just feeling left out 'cause Wes never picked him.

Post-Darjeeling Express they've been able to put them on the albums.

I've always hated crossbows…take too long to reload.

You're a loose cannon, Amazon.


"I pity him…because it won't last. Because he is the Dark Knight of summer and Winter is coming."

Marr always has been the level-headed one of the four of them. That's probably why he's had the best career post-Smiths.

Here take the phone - it's for you. The Family Guy writers ask 'when can you start'?

I'm torn - I've read to much to really be a 'newbie' without getting attacked by those who haven't read the books, but I'm not far enough along in the series to go over to the experts without fear of huge spoilers.

I read that as 'The Vaginas are Alright' which sounds like a porno featuring The Who.