Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

To be fair, not many people would care if Leeds exploded.

Agreed - he's better placed as a go-to character actor.

A Coraline-style stop-mo adaptation would would be pretty good.

I don't think Britney ever went as far as showing her penis.

Wait, surely the bigger story here is that he disrespected Rastamouse.

A remake of Speed 2: Cruise Control, maybe?

Spare a thought for us poor Europeans…

I thought Troy channelled Elliot Stabler a couple of times with the punching things and storming off.

@avclub-db28507034068ea227ef2f0ae9e633d0:disqus The tune is the same and without Omar suddenly breaking into song we don't really have proof either way. I dare say that people go for 'Farmer in the Dell' because it's the better known song, but 'A-Hunting…' fits thematically.

Nothing to see here.

Bushy, bushy grey eyebrows…

You keep using that word - I don't think it means what you think it means.

I'm telling Yestify.

That was even more funny read in Crow's voice.

When Stannis was being beseiged at Storm's End by Mayce Tyrell his troops ran out of supplies and were almost driven to cannibalism before Davos used his smuggler's tricks to get a ship of onions into the castle. He was knight for this and so it has become somewhat of an injoke amongst Stannis' men.

One of the things I was impressed with teh most when I finally saw it was the quality of the songs. They actually stand up really well, even outside of the context of the film. 
Also the film-makers seemed to have a really good knowledge of the music and artists as there were tonnes of in-jokes.

He's only trying to get one up on Johnny Depp.

You'll even have trouble finding people who can spell Titus Andronicus.

Yeah - they can her calling him the 'Onion Knight', but unless you've read the books that just sounds like a weird insult.

With the madness of Aerys II and Viserys Targaryen it would seem that (at least in the show) being a product of incest leaves you a a little unstable…