Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Linx Africa deodorant?

You suck, McBain!



The Snakes on a Plane theme (while I haven't heard it) I believe was by Cobra Starship; or rather, Panic: The Bro Edition

Groove, La isla Bonita, and Like a Prayer are so good that I will actually stand up and say I like them…

You keep using that word - I don't think it means what you think it means

I can't stand Oasis. I guess the music is just average.

I can enjoy the Beatles because of Oasis

It might be okay if it was shorter - just one (or maybe two) examples of what Yeezy taught her, but it goes on for far too long to be funny

Even the dog looks embarrassed to be with him…

It's never not okay

They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could [make a film about CIA letching], they didn't stop to think if they should…

Urgh. I knew it was bad, but not this bad.

I'll make a Lasagne

I am the Brigadier - The Doctor brought this inter-net thing back to UNIT in the late-60s. Naturally with him doing all the alien fighting I am free to just kick-back and waste time commenting.

I thought at least Michael Bay was some fat, sweaty fanboy who made them as some wish-fulfilment fantasy (girls, explosions etc), but I saw a picture and he looks like a  businessman . Like he's found the formula for making a but-load of money and fuck the people…

Great now you've set everyone off

Could be one of Chas Tenenbaum's Dalmatian mice…

How dare you speak to me of The Crunch! You know nothing of The Crunch!