Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Well in Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market Goblins represent lecherous men looking to steal the innocence of young girls…

Funnily enough, that would be more likely to have Bill Murray in it…

Only read Knots and Crosses, but I thought that was pretty good.

Bellivia was worryingly sexy. I think it was the voice…


I Conquered.

What? Showing a ten year old's penis?

I hadn't watched it in ages, and started to wonder if we were being slightly harsh on it. Then I saw a clip the other day; I swear it was almost offensively bad. Why do people laugh just because he mentioned Doctor Who or something similar?
Is this what the new 'mainstream geek culture' has left us with?

Apparently Tracy couldn't hit the note right, so Kirsty (who'd already done it on her version) filled in

The wrong Beatle died, Goddamn it!

Are we sure that's not just him in a wig?

I think word of God is that Doctor Who was a suspiciously similar rival/copy-cat of Inspector Spacetime

I don't know if I could ever dislike Moore, purely because he is the only famous person from/and seemingly proud of living in my home-town (Northampton).

Duh, he's a warlock, he doesn't need to sleep

Whatever, Karate is the Dane Cook of martial arts…

Don't bring your logic in to this, god-damn it, this is the internet!

I though it was just alright, until it showed Mariska Hargitay and the SVU cast (including a confused Ice-T) That made it for me…

"Walkin' on the beaches, lookin' at the peaches"

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I've never really known him to do that (except ironically)