Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Stewart Lee did a good bit on American stand-ups

They've already done a decent portrayal of Edward's affair/abdication - the middle section of The King's Speech.

She looks like Arnie when his helmet breaks and his head explodes in Total Recall

Nat, one more reproving word and I shall consult our lawyer about a divorce.

@avclub-3caea4d9bcdd5cde2b1a1f338a06a086:disqus The Vampire Weekend comparison is a poor one. They never pretended to be anything they weren't (Christ, have you seen how they dress) In fact VW are remarkable for not trying to present themselves dishonestly in order to gain credibility points.
And as for the money

In my school us so called 'Gifted and Talented' students had some other lessons/lectures while all the other students were doing that…

It's almost as if The AV Club had a number of different writers, each with different views on films…

Long Pause

Pussi - Jimmy taught me that…

Five rounds rapid!

Well, someone's been made to look The Idiot

While I disagree about BaGiA, Franz's importance is definitely overstated by some people. While his additions where generally pretty great, he wasn't a key part of the band (that would be Craig's lyrics, followed by Tad's riffs). He was mainly the one that people could recognise…

I love Stay Positive, mainly because it has a tighter narrative arc (the murder mystery thing) than the others and Slapped Actress is probably one of my favourite songs.

Real people acting on-screen though, innit

It was late, but you could make it if you run

If Mark Wahlberg had been at that Replacements gig they wouldn't have split…

'Community Grade…'

Zach Condon has let himself go


Is that the one that's used on a million-and-one TV adverts?