Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Some people, like primary school teachers, often really enjoy the work (for some reason) and genuinely like to help kids.

Meh, didn't want 'em anyway

Just be thankful you're not English…
Even the Welsh have a better anthem than us

The hammer is his penis

Please, Dr. Spaceman is his father, call him Leo

1992 here also, and no. Just no.

There's already a Merlin/Arthur bromance show here - Merlin

Richard Attenborough would like a word with you

What in Sam Hell is a 'Puma'?

"I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes"

*faints dead away*

Duck off - both of you

Because time has shown that the US government will back down when terrorism is brought into the equation…

@Scrawler2:disqus "I've heard some comedians turn talking about the actual experience of a bombed set into something magnificent down the road with a more friendly audience."

Into the valley of bitches 
rode the six hundred

Rockin' his peers

Ireland isn't in Britain!


The Speed sequels really had diminishing returns…

I think they've been hoping for a Dawesout for a while…