Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

She was singing her 'inner song' or whatever, which was all over the place - I'm going to say that it is intentional

I heard that it's because the two shows are filmed on opposite sides of the US and it was too difficult to do both, so he stuck with what he was already doing

I'd like to think that he was supposed to sing 'Starburns'…

I wondered why you didn't mention it - seeing as it was ridiculously funny

What if there isn't any shrimp cocktail?

Well obviously, it's like a sick cat in that respect

He has been on the Sarah Jane Adventures, but I'm not sure why they never really included him in the series proper (I guess he was unavailable). A theory could be that Russell Davis' Doctor Who seemed to be highly anti-military compared to the older series (think of how UNIT were portrayed as actively nasty, as

5. A striped mint

Possible headlines: 'Community Goes Out On High Note With Musical Episode'

I stumbled across this and I, I don't know where else to say it. It's a quote from M Ward:
"Taylor [Goldsmith] is the greatest…Well, he’s a great guitar player. He’s a great singer. He’s a great songwriter. He kind of has everything. He’s young and it feels to me like he doesn’t really need rest or time off. That’s the

"Folks here's a story 'bout CALIFORNIA
She was a low down CALIFORNIA
She was the roughest toughest CALIFORNIA
But Minnie had a heart as big as CALIFORNIA-IA-IA"


Hello Sadness is fantastic. Wasn't sure how I felt about it at first, but after a couple of listens it really stands out. In time I think I'll consider it their best…

That album seems to have been largely forgotten - even I was surprised when going through my itunes that Bright Eyes had released an album this year

I wouldn't say all dance-pop is underestimated in these parts - just look at the (wholly justified) Robyn love.

For 'She So High' Blur was shoegaze - they dropped it immediately after…

If Shirley is the opposite of Britta, does that make her Batman?

Or that Jeff was repressing the memory of his bad hair?

Same here - and I was eating it at the time…

I think Troy guessed this by the end, hence his 'Wow Abed, where have you been?' after the Batman confession - there is a deeper reason for his playing along than being childish…