Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart


'One Week' 'offensive lyrics'? Where?

Vampire Weekend's 'Holiday' is about the first Gulf war, isn't it?

And those of use at Uni are paying to do it

I hadn't seen a picture of him in years and didn't read up on the film much so I didn't realise that it was him until the credits. Needless to say I was shocked he could act…

This is one of those unnerving times when HDB I completely agree with and relate to

I used to watch the History Channel (UK) all the time when I was a kid - WW2 documentaries were basically my favourite thing ever

As terrible and unfunny as Family Guy etc is, the guy does have a true unironic love of old musicals so it doesn't surprise me

Oh hell - now I'm imagining it sung by him. And it fits.

Worst. GTA Mission. EVER

Double nerd point bonus for using the name that was only used by Shelly in later readings!

I'll take the chicken

Do you oscillate wildly?

Never bothered watching it but my film/television lecturer said it has some great mise-en-scene going on…

It happened - it got a B+

Dawesing Around The Christmas Tree

On the fourth day of Christmas my Hyden gave to me…

Surely no true country fan would like Billy-Ray Cyrus?

Oops - I meant to reply to the guy above you talking about grunge making a comeback…